Прессматериал АГ-4В Регион Электро Прессматериал АГ-4В Регион Электро
Прессматериал АГ-4В Регион Электро Прессматериал АГ-4В Регион Электро

Прессматериал АГ-4В
Физико-механические показатели прессматериала АГ-4В
О компании
Втулки изолирующие 4182И
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Строительная техника
English version
Медицинская техника

Главная страница / Moulding material AG-4V (Thermosetting plastic materials for pressing dielectric details)

Moulding material AG-4V (Thermosetting plastic materials for pressing dielectric details)

JSC "Region-Electro" makes both single, and scheduled deliveries of molding material (Thermosetting plastic materials) AG-4V to the enterprises on all territory of Russia and foreign countries from a warehouse in Kazan in the shortest terms.
The delivery of molding material is carried out all types of transport (railway, plane and automobile, and as by self-exportation).
Molding material AG-4V (Thermosetting plastic materials for pressing dielectric details) is produced in accordance with GOST 20437-89. Molding compound AG-4V is applied in direct and transfer compression molding of structural and electro technical items capable for performance at temperatures up 196 °C to +200 °C and in tropical climate.
Molding compound AG-4V is produced of non-oriented glass fiber strands filling impregnated with modified phenol-formaldehyde resin system.

Press material AG-4V (Thermosetting plastic materials for pressing dielectric details) technical data




Name of the indexes

GOST requirements 20437-89

Analysis results

1. Humidity and volatile matter fraction total mass, %



2. Binding agent fraction total mass, %



3. Transverse stress by the destruction, MPa (kgf/cm2)



246 (2512)

4. Impact elasticity, kJoule/m2 (kgf cm/cm2), no less



110 (113)

5. Destructive strength by compression, MPa (kgf/cm2) no less



153 (1557)

6. Electric strength by  frequency 50Hz, MV/m (kWt/mm), no less



21,0 (21,0)

7. Dielectric capacity by frequency 106Hz, no more



8. Dielectric loss tangent by frequency 106Hz, no more



9. Specific volume resistance, Om , m (om cm), no less



4,5 . 1011

(4,5 . 1013)

10. Specific surface resistance, Om, no less


1,0 . 1014

Manufacturer warranty
Warranty period of moulding material AG-4V storage 6 months since manufacturing date provided storage, transportations of GOST 20437-89 are observed.
Should the storage period exceed the minimal term of moulding material AG-4V keeping, it should be checked before use for the compliance no the GOST 20437-89 requirements. The amount and period of control shall be established by the Consumer.
Molding compound AG-4V is packed into polyethylene bags, glued up put into bags.
Weight of  a bag 20 kg.
JSC  "Region Electro"
For mail: 420030 Russia, Kazan. P. o . 85
The address of office: 420088, Kazan, st. Khalitova, 8
Contact telephone: +7 (843)   265-90-45
URL      www.ag-4v.com

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